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My name is Rhianwen Roberts and this is my digital CV. I'm currently looking for full and/or part-time work/placements in London. If you have the time, I'd be most appreciative if you'd like to look through this website. Would any appropriate positions arrise,  please contact me by email. Thank you for your time!


My goal is to proficient in producing and directing films. My degree in Business, Marketing and Immaterial Law gives me an understanding of organisation, co-­operation and economy, which can facilitate creative production in a variety of administrative and structural ways. However, my goal and drive has always been creative work, which is illustrated by my dissertation on the topic of how different individuals on a film project continuously interact and adjust to each other in order to co-­‐operate effectively and yet manage not take the edge of the original vision.



Presentation video Created by Rhianwen Roberts 2014

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