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Short film

A collection of some shorts that I have worked on.

Circles, (test piece in low resolution)

Mockumentary, 2013


This is a short film is a mockumentary about a woman who makes crop circles. The film was based on my thoughts and questions about experiences of solitude and belonging. I was inspired by documentaries and articles about crop circles and aliens.

Writer, director & editor: Rhianwen Roberts

Actress: Rhianwen Roberts

Camera: Martin Oliver

Music: Staffan Björklund

Sound: Martin Sjölander

Poodle in Space (test piece), 2014

Experimenting with green screen


One Saturday evening I snuck my dog into the studio at our University to film him against the green screen that we keep there. Bamse, my dog, was all over the place except from infront of the camera, and sometimes I doubted whether he fully understood the character he was playing.  Luckily, I also had a patient friend who helped out during this astir shoot. 

Adult 2014 


A film about a young woman who finds herself in between being a teenager and a grown-up. She feels trapped in her life and wants to be an adult, however, she isn't initially sure of what that means. She lives in the old cultural student town of Uppsala (where the film is shot). The film is a film noir to sarcastically express the woman's own dramatic impression of her own life.


Script, Camera & Editing: Rhianwen Roberts
Actress: Amanda Barrow
Voiceover: Dinah Ekchajzer
Music (to come): Staffan Björklund




Skräckslaget på Sysslomansgatan

(Eng. title: "Terror on Sysslomansgatan") 

Horror, 2014


This is a short film I edited together after Halloween 2014. My motivation was to try out different methods to make the film look spooky in a comical way. I had very little footage from the party, which was a nice challenge to adjust to as well.

360 Virtual Lap of Le Mans!! - Behind The Scenes (Goggles!) 2015



Blinka, 2015


Camera & Editing: Rhianwen Roberts

Russian soldier: Paul Byrde

Dog: Bamse

Comedy in Short, 2015


What is comedy, briefly?






Havet, a stop-motion film of the sea, 2014

Eng. title: "The Sea"


This is a stop motion film that I recorded when I returned home after spending two weeks of holiday on an island outside Stockholm. My goal was to capture the movement, spirit and nostalgia of the sea.

Director and Animator: Rhianwen Roberts

Assistant Animator and Music: Martin Oliver


How to cook a Bloody Mary, 2014


My friend Gustaf and I were recording a thriller ("Blender") about a homocidal blender. During one of our breaks, Gustaf uses some of the props to mix us a couple of drinks. The footage was amusing so I decided to edit into a "studenty" version of "Come Dine With Me".

Camera & Editing: Rhianwen Roberts

Actor: Gustaf Mattsson



Flash animation for Uppsala Student TV, 2014


For Halloween, I animated this short film as a viral commersial for our productions at the Student Tv association of my University. This is when I learned how long it takes to animate.

Recruitment film for  Uppsala Student TV 2014


I wanted to create a more abstract film, and made a recruitment video for the Student Tv association of my University.

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